Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Spring break dates

When is the last time your spring break matched up with those of your friends from back home (who go to different universities)? I was lucky enough to experience this maybe once in my four years of undergrad, and even then only with one or two friends.

I propose that Spring Break dates should be standardized nationwide (perhaps even worldwide, but I don't know foreign education systems).

I see absolutely no difficulty that this would present to schools, and it would make millions of people's lives so much better. The standardization process is simple too -- have the U.S. Department of Education decide on a week and inform every university.

Why hasn't this happened yet??

1 comment:

  1. Hey, good observation and here is my take on it: There are a few choice spots for spring vacationers that no one really ever tells to students in engineering. Places like Virginia beach, Daytona, Hilton Head, Bahammas, etc. are top destinations for popular young people during the spring break ritual. So, if we take a logistical argument, think of how much these people drink vs the optimal plumbing flow rates that these party sites hold. You would need to stagger the influx of these students to maintain peak plumbing efficiency with minimal overflow, because overflow will just make the whole place stink until a tsunami washes it all away. After years of experiementations and a few choice papers on optimal flow rate analysis, the deans of all of America's colleges probably decided to stagger Spring break to the disdain of students like us. The alternative would be to increase the diameter of every pipe used in the cities as featured in the "Girls Gone Wild" videos, which, would be very expensive.
